South Ridge Elementary
Primary Years Programme
Language Policy
Revised: Apr 10, 2024 May 1, 2024 Jun 25, 2024
South Ridge Language Policy
Language is fundamental to learning, thinking, and communicating and permeates the whole curriculum.
It is necessary not only to learn language, but also learn about language and through language. Learning
best takes place in authentic contexts, and literature plays a special role in enabling this to happen. The
strands of oral, written, and visual communication are learned across and throughout the subject areas.
Each aspect is only relevant in relation to the whole. (Making the PYP Happen: A Curriculum
Framework for International Primary Education. Cardiff, Wales GB: International Baccalaureate
Organization, 2007. 68. Print.)
At South Ridge Elementary, we believe that the study of language is the foundation for all learning.
This foundation is built by learning language skills through social interaction, explicit teaching, self
expression, and modeling for authentic purposes.
Language Values
● Every teacher is a language teacher.
● Language skills must be developed in context through interdisciplinary work.
● Learning more than one language enriches personal growth and facilitates international
● Oral language is the foundation for effective communication.
● Differentiated instruction is a priority.
● Integration of speaking, listening, and communicating occurs through reading and
● Addressing multiple learning styles happens throughout the learning.
World Cultures
At South Ridge Elementary, we offer a class called World Cultures to all students. In this class,
students explore geography, languages, and cultures from around the world. Through this
experience, they learn to be global thinkers and develop a broader perspective. World Cultures is
attended by all of our students 4 times a month.
Reading Framework
Student Ownership and Responsibility
● Students have the opportunity to select their own text based on next learning steps, level of
skill, and interest.
● Students have awareness of their strengths and next steps in reading and create goals that
will advance their skills as a reader.
Best Practices in Reading Instruction
● Skills and strategies are explicitly taught to the whole group, small group, and individually
based on identified student needs.
● Teachers know the skills for their grade level and are also aware of the continuum of skills.
They use this information to plan instruction for individual students at their grade.
● Teachers model their own reading selections and processes (think-alouds).
● Teachers use a variety of genres and cross content text to teach skills and strategies.
● Application of skills and strategies occurs through oral and/or written responses to whole
and meaningful text.
● Teachers utilize a science of reading framework for reading instruction, providing a
researched approach to instruction which includes listening and speaking.
● Teachers support the development of communication skills and provide a wide range of
opportunities for students to practice them.
● Students are encouraged to explore reading through the arts.
● Teachers and students use technology as a reading tool.
● Pre-assessment for skills is used to plan instruction.
● Application of skills and strategies is assessed through oral and/or written responses to
whole and meaningful text.
● Students are given regular feedback from their teacher on their progress toward their goals.
● Students are continually assessed with a variety of formal and informal methods such as
running records, anecdotal records, reading responses, iReady, conferences etc.
● Students have opportunities to self-assess their own progress toward their goals.
● Teachers acknowledge differences in students' developmental stages, learning styles, as
well as previous language experiences.
● Students have been taught and encouraged to use the print rich environment in order to
further their own individual skills.
● The print rich environment must include either text that is student created and/or text that is
meaningful to students.
Reading Forms
● Stories and songs in Spanish
● Fiction
● Expository text
● Read-alouds
● Graphic novels
● Poems
● Biographies
● Newspapers
● Magazines
● Online texts
Writing Framework
Student Ownership and Responsibility
● Students choose their own topics and match the topic to genre, purpose, and audience.
● Students are aware of their strengths in writing and collaborate with their teachers and peers
to help determine their next steps.
Best Practices in Writing Instruction
● Skills and craft are explicitly taught whole group, small group, and individually based on
student need.
● Teachers utilize a science of reading framework for writing instruction, providing a structured
approach to instruction which includes listening and speaking.
● Applications of skills and craft are consistently assessed in authentic writing.
● Teachers know the skills for their grade level and are also aware of the continuum of skills.
They use this information to plan instruction for individual students.
● Modeling occurs on a consistent basis by the teacher in the areas of skills, craft, process,
and assignments.
● Teachers support the development of writing communication skills and provide a wide range
of opportunities for students to practice these skills.
● Students are encouraged to explore writing through the arts.
● Teachers and students use technology as a writing tool.
● Formative, summative, and interim assessments are consistently used to plan instruction.
● Formative, summative, and interim assessments are vertically aligned.
● Assessment consistently occurs in authentic student writing.
● Students are given feedback from their teacher as well as having the opportunity to receive
feedback from other authentic sources and self assessments.
● Teachers acknowledge differences in students' developmental stages, learning styles, as
well as previous language experiences.
Writing Forms
● Reports
● Biographies
● Nonfiction genres (i.e., recipes, directions, and fact books)
● Journals
● Letters
● Poetry
● Fiction genres (i.e., fairy tales, folk tales, and picture books)
● Personal narratives
● Persuasive Writing
Structured Literacy
All teachers are trained in a science of reading approach to literacy instruction using Benchmark Worksop
curriculum. The resource provides instructional strategies that allow for the explicit instruction of reading
and writing through a science of reading. In addition, classrooms utilize a literacy block where lessons
begin with the teacher demonstrating a skill (I do, you watch). Then, students are invited to participate
with scaffolding provided by the teacher (we do it together). Finally, students are released to practice the
skills independently (you do, I watch). The instructional strategies used during the literacy block are as
In Reading
● Read aloud with a purpose
● Shared reading
● Guided reading
● Strategy Groups
● Independent reading with conferences
● Reciprocal teaching
In Writing
● Interactive writing
● Modeled writing
● Independent writing with conferences
● Interactive editing
● Reciprocal teaching
The Language of Instruction
English is the language of instruction.
Additional Language Instruction
Learning a second language stimulates personal growth and the appreciation of different cultures. At
South Ridge Elementary, Spanish is the second language currently taught in grades K-5. In addition, we
offer cultural linguistic opportunities through parent involvement, music, art, school assemblies, and
curricular units.
Students with English as a Second Language
At South Ridge Elementary, we support three English as a Second Language (MLL) teachers. The aim of
the MLL program is to address the needs of the individual child. Children are mainstreamed into the
classroom and given support through small group and one-on-one instruction both within the regular
education class, push-in/co-teaching model, and pull-out work.
In addition, outside of school tutoring is available to those students who have been identified by
classroom teachers as needing extra support. The tutoring is overseen by a certified teacher and staffed
with members from the community. Programs such as:, Kiwanis provide extra outside support.
Response to Intervention
South Ridge Elementary uses the Response to Intervention (RtI) model. This model allows teachers to
target their instruction based on three levels of student need. The first tier is targeted instruction for all
students, the second tier is targeted instruction for struggling students, and the third tier is targeted
instruction for those students who need different instruction and not just more.
South Ridge utilized 2 full time literacy interventionists specific for primary grade levels and 1.5 math and
reading interventionists.
Demonstration of Proficiencies
● See Assessments paragraphs above.
● Use of common language assessments across grade levels
● Evidence of choose, act, reflect